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We have been dancing on tippy-toes for awhile now waiting to be able to share the news that Roly Poly Farm is joining the GO family! What is very sad news for their existing customers is going to be a big gain for the folk of the south west.

We have been going cross-eyed staring at spreadsheets for the last couple of weeks, collating the harvest schedules of all our super wonderful and amazing growers and the range of organic produce coming from Dec at Roly Poly Farm, as well as Jema at Burnside Organic Farm, Dan, Leonie and Brett at Dugite Farm, Ashby at Barrabup Organics and Nicola at Overstory Farm is shaping up to be simply spectacular.

We are so lucky and forever grateful to have access to the most amazing fruit and veg going around. Welcome Mel and Dec!

Gathered Organics
Footsteps Organic Farm
401 Walcliffe Road
Western Australia

T: 0481 897 013
E: [email protected]

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 7am-3pm
Wednesday: 7am-3pm
Thursday: 7am-6pm
Friday: 7am-3pm
Saturday: 7am-2pm
Sunday: Closed